Cake with apricots and nectarines

Today, a quick and easy recipe to prepare. It needs just a few fruits and eggs. For the rest, in general you find it in your cupboards and in the refrigerator.

This recipe was prepared by my husband and me.


  • 3 nectarines
  • 6 apricots
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 100g flour
  • 25 cl milk
  • 20 g butter, melted
  • almond leaves for decoration

Preparation of fruits

  1. Cut apricots by half and nectarines in slats.

Getting Started

  1. In a bowl beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar together until a firm foam.
  2. Add flour and mix well.
  3. Add the milk and melted butter and whether eggs is smooth.


  1. In one form, a plate or a baking dish that you have previously buttered, upholster with apricot halves.
  2. Pour in the mixture (batter) on apricots.
  3. Add nectarines over. If you have cut the neighborhoods, they will go to the bottom of apricots, slices remain more on the surface during cooking.
  4. The tapered almonds will be added halfway through cooking, or after cooking, according to you preferences.


  • in a preheated oven at 180 ° C
  • about 40 minutes
  • halfway add over neighborhoods nectarines or apricots according to your fancy.
  • almonds will complement the presentation.

Let cool before serving.

We try a new silicone mold which gives a beautiful decorative pattern for your viewing pleasure.

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